Friday, June 05, 2015

The Sparrow's New Home

Today’s coffee: Rwanda

Four years ago at this time, we were rushing around trying to get ready to move to Japan. Now we’re rushing around trying to get ready to go back to Seattle. Thankfully we finally managed to book plane tickets to Seattle, get a prayer letter out, and choose a moving company. But towards the end of last week, I was starting to feel numb from all the preparations, goodbyes, and lingering ministry obligations… and then the weekend happened. I can’t remember a busier Sunday. Monday afternoon we escaped to an onsen to recover for a couple of days.

Recently a family of sparrows has taken up residence in a vent on our neighbor’s house. Watching them come and go from the vent as they carried twigs and grass to build a nest, I somehow felt refreshed. Even these sparrows have a home; God has provided for them, and he will provide for us.

We’ve started dismantling our home; two boxes of things we don’t use at this time of year have been packed. Although I’m looking forward to spending 10 months in the house where I grew up, with its gigantic kitchen and lovely garden, when we come back here, we don’t know yet where we are going. But God knows. And somewhere there is a home for us.

Speaking of home, our friends have offered to come help us eat a lamb roast that has been lurking in the freezer. (I can’t begin to describe the stress of trying to eat up all the food we have accumulated without any waste.) So I’m going to limit myself to one coffee and go try to make some order of our partially dismantled home…

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