Saturday, August 25, 2007

Picture update!

Hello, friends!

Finally some time to update with pictures! We're in Semur-en-Auxois, still in France. Later today, we will be in Germany, where I can talk to people, read signs, order food, etc.! I'm so excited! Over a week of grunting and pointing has been getting to me... otherwise, however, our time in France has been lovely! Oh well, learning French is on my to-do list. :) The rest of the England pics will need to wait... I ran out of time!

Love, Celia et al


Chocolate fest!

The car was slightly full.

Hiking near Dieulefit

Making Poffertjes, a Dutch specialty!

We tasted (and purchased) some lovely wine! This one was one of our favorites, ever!

We shared meal prep. Keith and I made "French Feijoada" with red beans and lentils instead of black beans!

Lots of cards were played, late into the night.

We went on a lovely hike, almost into the Alps!

We enjoyed seeing Fontenay abbey yesterday.

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